
How is your sleep?

How is your sleep?

Did you know, lack of sleep can prevent weight loss? Poor sleep can increase cortisol (stress hormone), which can contribute to weight gain, which is why I address sleep issues as part of my 12-week program. Poor sleep is becoming a chronic issue for many people,...

What is modified keto (keto 2.0)? And is it keto?

What is modified keto (keto 2.0)? And is it keto?

Modified keto has become popular lately, and it seems to have evolved from the fact that keto is reportedly "difficult to follow" and "hard to stick with". Well, I have to disagree with those statements about keto, but this seems to be the catalyst for keto 2.0.   The...

Common keto mistakes—Fasting when not fat adapted

Common keto mistakes—Fasting when not fat adapted

One of the most common keto mistakes...fasting before fat adaptation. Intermittent fasting is extremely healthy...once we are fat adapted. If we are not, we are simply going hungry and eating less than we need. In effect, it just becomes simply another method of...

Common keto mistakes—Cutting fat

Common keto mistakes—Cutting fat

Have you been told in keto or LCHF groups to cut fat? Especially if you aren't losing weight? This is becoming more and more common, but this advice could be detrimental to long-term weight loss...and health. Firstly, LCHF is short for low carb, HIGH fat. It is called...

Essential oils

Essential oils

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years. The Ancient Egyptians were well-known to use them both both medicinally and also for aroma therapy. They were also used extensively in India as part of Ayurvedic medicine. And of course botanical medicines were...



Gelatine is often associated with delectable desserts, jelly (jell-O), and the delightful wobble in the perfect panna cotta. Gelatine is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of health food, but it been used for hundreds of years for its extraordinary...



Stevia is often categorised as an artificial sweetener, but it is not artificial, in fact, it is simply a small green herb with extremely sweet leaves. I often have one growing in my garden. In commercial versions, the leaves are ground and processed into a fine white...

Ketone monitor

Ketone monitor

The key to sustainable weight loss is burning fat for energy. Many people claim that our preference for fuel is actually sugar, but this isn’t the case. When we are born, we burn fat for energy. We only stop burning fat for energy when we are loaded up with too much...

Cholesterol calculator

Cholesterol calculator

In most Western countries, the Friedewald formula is used to calculate LDL levels. Because measuring the LDL directly is time consuming and requires more expensive equipment, for years, labs have been using this equation: LDL= [total cholesterol] – HDL –...

Skin Care

Skin Care

Chemical perfumes, skin care products and make-up can put junk in our trunk! They can cause weight gain! Why? Some of the chemicals disrupt our hormones, which causes fat storage. I recommend using only natural ingredients on our skin; something we could safely...

Chocolate ingredients

Chocolate ingredients

Because I could never find a good healthy chocolate sweetened with something I was comfortable with, I developed my own recipes, one of which is in The Fat Revolution Cookbook, and the other in my Easy Keto cookbook. Chocolate ingredients can be hard to find, so we...

Acne—is it impacted by diet?

Acne—is it impacted by diet?

Many people accept acne as an inevitable part of growing up. Acne is blamed on everything from “evolutionary biology” to genetics, hormones, chocolate, or too much sun. The most common explanation is hormones. Experts often say that during periods in our lives,...

Buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes

Anna's buckwheat pancakes ½ cup buckwheat flour ⅛ cup coconut flour 1 tsp baking powder 4 scoops of stevia (scoops in the Nirvana pure stevia extract powder) 1 egg, separated 1 cup of milk Pinch of salt Sift the flours and baking powder into a bowl. Add the salt and...

Buckwheat crepes; savoury, sweet, or the perfect wrap

Buckwheat crepes; savoury, sweet, or the perfect wrap

Buckwheat crepes are delicious, very versatile, and are extremely easy to make. And, they satisfy the bread craving if you have given up grains. Buckwheat is not a grain (it is actually related to the rhubarb), so it is a fantastic grain alternative. Ingredients 4...

Do whole grains make us fat?

Do whole grains make us fat?

Whole grains are pushed on us like our lives depend on them. But are they a vehicle for weight loss? Or are they making us fat? We have two beautiful Russian blue cats. One has a sleek figure, and the other is slightly pudgy. They are sisters, so why the different...

If margarine is healthier, why won’t ants eat it?

If margarine is healthier, why won’t ants eat it?

Interesting question. Currently, we again have a big push to switch tasty, natural butter for artificial spreads or margarine, because, we are told, they are better for our heart health, and better for our waistline. The spreads look harmless enough. When I opened a...

The healthiest alternatives to sugar

The healthiest alternatives to sugar

It is becoming well known that sugar is damaging to our health. And, the danger of fructose is also now on people’s radar, which is great news for our health and wellbeing. Fructose in itself is not unhealthy (it is naturally occurring in fruits). The fructose...

Can you improve IQ with food?

Can you improve IQ with food?

A new study (2011) shows just how much poor nutrition choices can impact your child's IQ. The study showed that children who ate mostly processed food when they were younger had lower IQ scores as they got older. The more processed food they ate, the lower the IQ...

Getting Fit — Without Burning Out

Getting Fit — Without Burning Out

While it is true that many people aren't moving enough, and a sedentary lifestyle isn't recommended, those who are moving are often working too hard. We were designed to have balance. Our ancestors were active and moved regularly; however, much of their movement was...

The Great Cholesterol Myth

The Great Cholesterol Myth

Do you think cholesterol is bad for you? Do you carefully watch your fat intake? Especially saturated fat? Understandable because that is what we have all been told. But the latest research shows that the world's most hated substance is actually good for you. Don't...

Does fat make us fat?

Does fat make us fat?

Fat is not what has been making us fat. Our bodies are designed to eat saturated fat, and we have been doing so for thousands of years. Guess what farmers feed livestock to fatten them up? Low-fat grain. While humans have different systems to livestock, most mammals...

Greatest gift for our children

Greatest gift for our children

As a tae kwon do instructor, I am amazed at the inability of this generation of children to stand still and focus. Most just can’t do it. My heart goes out to these children, because it isn’t their fault. But, what a handicap for life. Imagine continually fidgeting,...

Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Early morning is the most important time to eat protein and fat.  My favourite food for breakfast is eggs.  Eggs are natures perfect food; easy to prepare, a first-class protein, and delicious.  I normally have three fried eggs every morning, sometimes with vegetables...

Not much in the house? Stuck for meal ideas?

Not much in the house? Stuck for meal ideas?

Are you stuck for what to make for dinner you don't have much in the house?  If you have eggs, onions and potatoes or sweet potatoes, then this is a great quick dinner that is also tasty. 8 eggs, lightly beaten 2 small potatoes or sweet potatoes, sliced 1 onion,...

Incontinent? Or, just drinking too much water?

Incontinent? Or, just drinking too much water?

The mainstream health industry tells us to drink eight glasses of water a day, and more if you exercise.  This is a very new idea, recently introduced into western society.  Ancient traditions and eastern medicine have never advocated the 8 by 8 theory. Some people...

Healthy Birthday Parties

Healthy Birthday Parties

Do we need to feed our children junk food for birthday parties?  At a  party once, I heard a mother say, "You have to give them junk food at a birthday party!"  I guess people think that the kids won't have a good time without it. Although my children are now grown, I...

5-minute cookies for kids

5-minute cookies for kids

Healthy alternatives to standard treats can be prepared in as little as 5 minutes (prep time), like these apricot and coconut cookies. Apricot and Coconut Cookies ½ cup dried apricots, cut into small chunks 1¼ cup desiccated coconut 3 eggs Beat eggs. Add dry...

Healthy Smoothies

Healthy Smoothies

Even at the “healthiest” juice bars, a fruit smoothie contains unhealthy ingredients, such as juice made from concentrate, homogenised milk, flavoured yogurts that contain sugar, and commercial honey (honey that has been super heated and no longer has nutritional...

Healthy chips for kids

Healthy chips for kids

If you have children, and they are attending a party or other social event where commercial food will be served, it is also easy to make an alternative at home, like home-made chips. Commercial chips (or anything else deep-fried) available at take-away shops and...

Easy Healthy Meals

Easy Healthy Meals

It doesn't have to be difficult to cook something healthy and delicious.  When I am at home for lunch, I throw together a stir fry and use egg or leftover meat.  It tastes so much better than food you can buy at food stalls.  It literally takes 5 minutes to chop the...

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Snacks and lunches provide the biggest temptation to revert to convenience food.  However, it is quite easy to take a little more time in the morning to prepare something nutritious.  Easy healthy meals can be simple. When I am at home on my own, I often make a quick...

Is fat the secret for youthful skin?

Is fat the secret for youthful skin?

Fat may just be the answer to youthful skin...that's right, the world's most hated substance could be the key to looking younger. Premature ageing is on the rise, for a number of reasons. Firstly, the cell membrane is made predominantly of fat. If we don't eat enough...

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